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Shark net traps whale off Gold Coast

The lone humpback whale became entangled in shark netting off Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast.

It was freed hours after being discovered by Sea World's Marine Animal Release team

The mammal broke the net it was struggling against, causing the loose netting to wrap around it as it swam.

The whale had swum up from Antarctic waters as part of its migration.

The migration lasts from April to November, however the majority of adult breeding animals start arriving from June to August.

Pods of young males typically lead the migration, while pregnant cows and cow-calf pairs arrive in the latter end of the season at a slower speed.

Different family groups will travel to different bays and lagoons across Australian waters (Source: NSW National Parks)

The Marine Animal Release team attend stranding as well as netting of whales.

The bulk of their work is with injured sea turtles.

The 24/7 rescue team is a pioneer in developing and testing rescue techniques and equipment.

Found injured marine life? Call 07 5588 2222 (9:00am to 5:00pm) or 07 5588 2177 (After Hours).

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