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Brave QLD turbine spins its last in flames

On Ravenshoe's Windy Hill one of the 20 turbines who've served the community through night and day has finally fallen.

Queensland's largest wind farm has been operating without incident since it was first installed on the privately owned dairy farm in Far North Queensland eighteen years ago.

Ratch spokesman Simon Greenacre confirmed a turbine at the company’s Windy Hill Wind Farm had caught alight after very confirming images appeared online courtesy of visitors enjoying the wind farm - which is a part-time tourist attraction for Queensland's highest town.

The Cairns Post reported confirmation Ratch will be carrying out an investigation into how the fire started.

"The reasons for the fire will not be known until our technicians complete their investigation," he said.

"It was the wind farm's first fire since the 20-turbine wind farm began operations in 2000."

Fire crews arrived and watched over the blaze to make sure no

grass fires started because of the machinery fire. (Source: Ravenshoe

and Surrounds, Facebook)

Producing enough power for 3,500 homes, there was no reported property damage or electricity supply interruptions in the local area.

"What a shock to see one of the wind turbines on fire this afternoon!!!" said the Facebook photography group 'Ravenshoe and Surrounds'.

Someone speculated in the comments if a plane had hit the turbine.

For future size referencing, refer to picture at left.

Mr Greenacre said the fire was contained within the turbine's nacelle - the cover which houses the generator components.

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